Stega 50



Locksmiths Wholesalers large_stega50

Product Info:


Ø 50 mm
Polished aluminium EV1 anodised
Keyhole non concentric
Weight approx. 45 g

Escutcheon: Order Code:
Stega 50 – standard 93000


Mounting situation escutcheon: Mounting situation lock: Option Code:
Keyhole vertical (short bit down) Bolt up SBU
Keyhole vertical, for non key retaining or changeable locks (bits in the same length) Bolt up or down SBG
Keyhole horizontal (short bit right) Bolt left WBR
Keyhole horizontal (short bit left) Bolt right WBL
Keyhole horizontal, for non key retaining or changeable locks (bits in the same length) Bolt left or right WBG